animal zoo cards image
Cards Used in this Game

Select the cards that have the green icon (see top/left) on the back. You will now have 36 cards with the following animals on the front.

Mole Card

9× mole

Bird Card

9× bird

Mouse Card

9× mouse

Beaver Card

9× beaver

If you have four players, select all 36 cards with animals on them. If you have three players, remove the 9 mole cards, leaving only 27 cards.

Game Play

Shuffle the cards and deal 9 cards to every player. Do not show your cards to the other players!

The game starts when everybody has seen their own cards. The youngest player observes them and then indicates the start by announcing “start trading”.

Each player's goal is to collect 9 cards of the same animal by trading cards with any other player.

In order to trade, choose a set of cards that all contain the same animal. Announce the number of cards you wish to trade, for instance: “I want to trade 3 cards”. Don't say which animal!

Another player can then indicate “I’ll trade” because he or she has exactly that same number of matching cards to trade. At that point, the two players exchange their cards. Keep the cards secret as the trade occurs.

  • Never show your cards to anybody
  • Never show the cards that are traded to anybody
  • Each card in a person’s trade must contain the same animal
  • You don’t have to trade all your cards of the same animal; you can keep some for later!
  • Never tell anybody which animals you want to trade, only indicate how many cards you wish to exchange.

Keep trading until one player has 9 cards of the same animal. As soon as a player has 9 cards of the same animal, they should say “Zoo Completed”. The first player that finishes saying “Zoo Completed” wins the game.

Building a Dam image
Cards Used in this Game

Select the cards that have the red icon (see top/left) on the back. You should know have 16 building cards (rock, wood, dirt, leaves), 24 animal cards and 4 animal trading cards. If you have fewer than 4 players, discard some of the animal trading cards, but always keep the beaver card.

Rock Card

4x rock

Wood Card

4x wood

Dirt Card

4x dirt

Leaves Card

4x leaves

Mole Card

7× mole

Bird Card

7× bird

Mouse Card

7× mouse

Beaver Card

7× beaver

Shuffle the 16 building cards and place them in a pile (upside down) on the table. Take the top four cards and place them face up, next to each other, next to the pile.

Shuffle the 24 animal cards. Draw one animal card and place this card, face up, next to the pile of animal cards. This will be the discard pile. Give every player 4 animal cards and one trading card. Place the remaining animal cards face down on the table next to the discard pile. This is the draw pile.

Game Play

Players take turns in a clock-wise direction. The player that has the beaver trading card starts the game.

Each turn you chose 2 actions from the following list. You are allowed to take the same action twice.

  • Draw the top card from the draw pile of animal cards.
  • Draw the top card from the discard pile deck of animal cards.
  • Swap all your cards with another player of your choice.
  • Take a building card and at the same time place the required number of animals on the discard pile.

Note that every animal collects different building materials: beavers collect wood, birds collect leaves, mols collect dirt en mice collect rock.

Use a trading card with a normal card with the same animal to pretend to be another animal. For example, play the beaver trading card with another beaver card, and pretend to be a mouse.

When you swap cards you don’t swap the dam or building cards that are not yet part of the dam.

Building Your Dam

When you draw a building card, immediately draw a building card from the pile of building cards and place this card on the table; there should always be 4 building cards face up on the table.

When you collect a building card you place it in front of you to build your dam. You add a new building card to the left of right side of your dame on the table. You can only add a card if the cards has the same material, or the same score, as the card next to it.

If a building card does not fit you can place it on the table, but it is not part of your dam. You are not allowed to rearrange the cards in your dam. If a building card can be added to your dam you must add it.

Your dam score is the sum of the scores of the cards in your dam. The first player to build a dam with score 10 wins.

** picture of example of dam *** wood 3, leaf 3, leaf 1, dirt 1, and dirt 2 as not part of your dam **

Empty Draw Pile

When the draw pile empties, shuffle the discard pile and use these cards to create a new draw pile. Don’t forget to immediately draw one card to use as the beginning of the discard pile.

Building a Dam image
Cards Used in this Game

Collect all cards that have the yellow icon.

Shuffle all cards and give each payer 7 cards.

Bird Card

6× bird

Mouse Card

6× mouse

Mole Card

5× mole

Beaver Card

4× beaver

Badger Card

3x badger

Wood Card

4x wood

Leaves Card

4x leaves

Game Play

The game is played in rounds. In each round all players play at the same time. Then a new round starts.

Each round every player choses a card from their hand for their party. They place the card face down in front of them. When everybody has chosen a card they all show the chosen card. The remaining cards are now passed to the player on the left.

The round is now over and a new round starts. This continues until all cards have been chosen.


Every card you have chosen can adds points to your score. The player with the highest score wins.

The bottom of each cards indicates how many points the cards scores if it is part of your party. Some cards only give points in certain situations! So remember to chose the right cards to have the best party ever.

Card Score
Beaver each beaver is worth 3 points
Bird each bird is worth 2 points
Mole one mole is 0 points, 2 or 3 moles gets you 5 points, 4 moles gets you 10 points
Badger one badgers is 2 points, 6 badgers gets you 6 points, 3 badgers gets you 14 points
Mouse if you have one mouse you get 1 point, for two mice you get 3 points, see the list of points at the bottom of the mouse cards
Leaf the player(s) with the highest number of leaf cards gets 6 points, the player(s) with the lowest number of leaf cards loses 6 points. Note: if you collect no leaves you automatically have the lowest number! Only if all players have exactly 1 leaf card are no points added or subtracted.
Wood if your next card is a beaver or a bird the score for the next card is tripled.